Audio Bibbia - Audiolibro dell

by Alessandro Ceralli

Books & Reference


A very simple app, choose which chapter to start from and then read the Bible from there. You can also turn off the screen, the reading will continue.Implemented versions:- Interfaith- Luzzi- New International Version- St. Paul- Psalms- New Testament and psalms read in Arabicالكتاب المقدس الصوت العربي استمع هنا- New Testament read in GreekΗ Καινή Διαθήκη διαβάστηκε στα ελληνικά- Old Testament read in Hebrewהברית הישנה קוראת בעברית    Audio Bible Arabic    Audio Bible Chinese    Audio Bible English    Audio Bible French    Audio Bible Greek    Audio Bible Hebrew    Audio Bible SpanishGod bless His Word by turning listeners into doers to His glory.